Civil Discourse at DU

DU正在思考如何让我们所有人都能更周到地参与进来, authentically, and respectfully with one another. 这意味着要努力培养一种归属感和包容性,同时也要努力为各种挑战腾出空间, evidence-based ideas and perspectives.   

我们认为,高等教育必须努力维护一些核心价值观, including intellectual curiosity, academic freedom and thought pluralism. 这些价值观对民主的运作至关重要. Moreover, 它们对知识的进步至关重要——这是我们作为一所学习和研究机构所做的核心工作. Read more about our commitment in our Freedom of Expression Policy


For Our Students

The world is not intellectually, politically, spiritually, 或者是文化上的同质性——永远也不会. As part of DU’s 4D Experience, 我们的学生建立技能和经验,与丰富的思想和观点,构成了世界.  

woman in a classroom gesturing

For Democracy

Democracy flourishes in the light. And so, 当我们在谈话中相遇时,我们会保持好奇和开放, 当我们遇到一个挑战我们先入为主观念的想法时, and when someone raises their hand to say, “I see that differently…” 


For Diversity

民间话语意味着参与不同于我们自己的声音和观点. 这是我们致力于多样性的核心, equity and inclusion, 它确保了在谈判桌上总有一个席位. 

How We're Committing to Curiosity

Through the DU 4D Experience, 我们帮助学生建立他们在大学期间和以后取得成功所需的生活技能. Using existing research across DU’s colleges, 我们为学生提供课堂内外的机会,让他们遇到新的或具有挑战性的想法,磨练他们分享观点和向他人学习的能力.  

two women on stage shaking hands

Denver Dialogues

科贝尔国际研究学院和斯克里夫纳公共政策研究所召集了来自美国国务院的思想领袖.S. 智库就影响国家和世界的政策问题进行建设性的对话和辩论. 

Learn More About Denver Dialogues


smiling woman holding a microphone

Civil Debate in the Classroom

Led by Professor Darrin Hicks, specialist in collaboration, 辩论和修辞学以及杰里米·约翰逊教授, in partnership with Braver Angels, 学生和教师在课堂上就与他们的课程相关和重要的主题进行引导辩论.

Learn More About Braver Angels  

denver debate

Scrivner Policy Roundtable

每季度的合作学习活动,召集丹佛地铁的决策者和组织, 允许在影响丹佛地铁社区的超本地问题上进行交叉合作.

Scrivner Policy Roundtable

student debaters

The Colorado Project

Politically diverse group of civic, political, 以及专注于科罗拉多州政策制定的私营部门领导人,这些问题往往受到两极分化辩论的阻碍.g., land use, housing affordability, economic mobility and inequality, and the effects of climate change.

The Colorado Project


Political Engagement

正规赌博十大平台排行学的美国政治中心通过为整个正规赌博十大平台排行学社区举办活动,将影响科罗拉多州和国家的问题带到校园, 比如竞选州或国家公职的候选人之间的辩论. 

Learn More About CAP


three women sitting at a table talking

Community Building

Through DU’s exceptional debate team, 学生们在沟通方面学习有价值的技能, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration.  

Contact the Debate Team Lead


heterodox acaddemy logo


杜是HxA校园社区仅有的23所大学之一. Through this partnership, DU将举办每月的聚会和其他旨在促进观点多样性的节目, open inquiry and constructive disagreement.  

联系Kerry Floyd, Lapo Salucci或Claude d'Estrée to learn more. 

A student speaking in a classroom

Debate Across the Curriculum

整个大学的教职工都在与达林·希克斯教授合作, specialist in collaboration, debate, and rhetoric, 将非竞争性辩论纳入课堂课程. Unlike traditional, competitive modes of debate, 目标是让学生达成共识.

Contact Darrin Hicks to Learn More

Two students laughing in conversation

Belonging & Expression

大学生政府(GSG)和学院参议院的言论自由委员会在“归属感和表达”方面的合作伙伴-一个探索归属感交叉点的原型框架, diversity, equity and inclusion, identity, intersectionality, and free expression, 以及与之相关的一系列其他重要价值.  

Contact the GSG president to learn more

Faculty members in conversation

Take Five

A partnership between Community+Values and the Office of the Provost, “Take Five”是一个试点项目,旨在通过鼓励教职员工  通过 有趣的提示相互了解,为不同身份和经历的精彩对话 奠定基础, good food, and warm greetings.  

Contact Chase McNamee to Learn More

Students looking at a laptop

Dialogue Across Difference (DIAD)

“DIAD”旨在帮助学生更快地找到课程 ,在那里他们可以探索跨差异对话的许多不同方面. 学院被邀请“标记”他们即将开设的本科课程,以便纳入试点项目.  

Learn More About DIAD

staff and faculty talking in conversation


A convening group of faculty, 由教务委员会任命的学生和工作人员负责创建有意义和尊重的论坛,特别是围绕校园中突出或紧急的话题. 此外,如果出现言论自由的问题,该委员会也会进行审查.