
机会均等办公室 & 杜克大学第九章, 与大学伙伴合作, 建立和维护一个安全的工作, 为学生提供性别平等的环境, 教职员工 in all aspects of educational programming 和 employment. The Office is responsible for ensuring compliance with the University’s anti-discrimination policies related to sex or gender, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达. In order to carry out these responsibilities, the Office:

  • Receives 和 reviews all reports of gender-based discrimination, harassment 和 violence on campus;
  • Keeps records of all reports to evaluate campus needs 和 to identify patterns that need to be addressed;
  • Coordinates outreach to all identified impacted 学生, 教职员工 to provide:
    • 资源 for emotional support 和 system advocacy;
    • An overview of options for addressing the discrimination, 校园内外的骚扰或暴力行为;
    • Assistance with Supportive Measures to assist impacted parties when needed;
    • Informal Resolution options for non-violent policy violations;
    • Investigations of violations of University Policy related to gender-based discrimination, 骚扰和暴力;
    • Consultation, training 和 education for the campus community;
    • Coordination of campus partner efforts to address gender-based discrimination, harassment 和 violence 和 to engage in prevention 和 education efforts.
    • 协助校园气候调查工作.



In 2015 DU announced comprehensive changes designed to enhance our community’s ability to prevent 和 respond to gender-based discrimination, 骚扰和暴力,包括性暴力, relationship (dating 和 domestic) violence 和 stalking:

  • Hiring a full-time designated 第九条 Coordinator to administer 和 coordinate University efforts 和 two civil rights investigators to investigate 第九条 concerns 和 平等的机会 concerns;
  • Revising 程序 for investigations to address concerns raised by the University Community;
  • Providing care 和 support to the survivors of sexual assault 和 other forms of power-based violence through the Center for Advocacy, 预防 和 Empowerment (角) 和 角’s How to Support a Survivor training;
  • Implementing primary prevention strategies 和 education including Haven training for incoming undergraduates; a Peer Education program 和 the B.O.S.S. 旁观者培训.
  • Requiring M和atory Reporter training for 教师 和 工作人员; 和
  • 每两年进行一次校园气候调查

Recommendations are received from DU’s 第九条 Team 和 from advisors from the Pepper Hamilton Law Firm, 并应被视为具有前瞻性. We are implementing emerging best 实践 和 st和ards in the areas of preventing 和 responding to sexual assault. These new 项目 will serve as a model for other colleges 和 universities.

2016年1月更新: See the Letter from the Chancellor 和 the 第九条 Coordinator 和 the 审计报告增编 for a comprehensive list of the most recent changes to the University's 第九条 response.

  • 正规赌博十大平台排行第九条的历史

    DU initiated its initial training efforts related to 第九条 in 2011, when the first guidance related to addressing sexual violence was issued by the US Department of Education, 民权办公室. 第一任第九条协调员, Kathryne格罗夫, who was also the Director of the 平等机会办公室, 被任命为.

    正规赌博十大平台排行的第九条团队成立于2012年, 和 increased the University’s efforts to strengthen its sexual assault policies, 程序, 实践, 培训工作. The 第九条 team consists of a variety of 正规赌博十大平台排行 community members including representatives from 校园 Safety, 角, 肝细胞癌, 学生的行为, 研究生学习, SOS转介及学术服务.

    DU’s administration requested an audit of 第九条 policies 和 实践 from the national consulting firm, 佩珀·汉密尔顿2014年, in an effort to proactively address the changing guidance on 第九条 和 the needs expressed by campus partner 项目, 学生, 教职员工.

    In 2014 re-wrote its 政策 和 程序 that address gender discrimination, harassment 和 violence 和 started the implementation of initial recommendations from Pepper Hamilton.



This survey studies 学生' perceptions of sexual harassment 和 rape culture 和 how 学生 react to situations where people are being harassed or harmed.



This website provides resources 和 essential knowledge to assist in accommodations requests report accessibility issues in an effort to establish campus-wide accessibility for all.


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