
Proposal Deadline for Spring FRF Cycle: May 6, 2024, at midnight

Proposals will now be submitted via Qualtrics:


信息 & FRF申请人建议指引

Read below to learn the purpose of the 教职员研究基金 (FRF), the kinds of activities that are 和 are not supported, 和 the principal criteria 和 priorities used in making funding decisions. 这个项目与教授基金的不同之处在于,它针对的是规模较小的项目,其实际费用最高可达3000美元. 资助决定将由教务参议院学术规划委员会(APC)与负责研究和研究生教育的高级副教务长合作做出.




所有被任命的教师都有资格获得FRF资助(兼职教师没有资格获得这项资助)。. All eligible faculty are encouraged to apply; however, 在拨款方面, 优先考虑以下事项:

  • 助理教授 
  • Applicants from the 教学 和 Professional 教师 和 Library series 
  • 在过去三年内未曾获此基金资助的申请人 
  • 在过去两年内没有获得其他内部资助的申请人 
  • Applicants who have not received external funding for the proposed project
  • Development of scholarly 和 creative products (e.g., research or fabrication) versus only dissemination (e.g.、出版或展览) 



FRF资金用于支付正常部门支持以外的教师费用. They are not intended to relieve departmental budgets. Most expenses for research 和 creative activity are eligible. 例如, 资金可以用来支付材料, 专用设备, 研究助理, copying from archives 和 special collections, 抄录采访, 编码数据, 复制和邮寄问卷, 出版版面收费. Funds can also be used to cover necessary travel (e.g.(交通、住房和膳食). 

A small number of expenses, however, are explicitly excluded from FRF support. 不会为以下项目提供资金: 

  • 教师的工资 
  • 课程发布 
  • 学生研究(i).e.,用于学生自己的项目) 
  • 参加会议  
  • 课程开发 
  • 日常办公费用 

Ordinarily, grants are made only for expenses that have not yet been incurred. 然而, 例如,如果在FRF申请截止日期之间的一段时间内出现了一个时间敏感的机会, an interview subject becomes unexpectedly available, or while working in an archive in city A, 一个人发现了b市的材料——可以在下一个申请截止日期提交追溯资助的请求. 在FRF提案周期之前,解释需要费用的机会的时间和性质. Such requests will be evaluated solely based on the established criteria, without consideration of the timing of the expense. 

Funds ordinarily must be spent within 24 months of the grant award date. 然而, if you know of a research opportunity a year in advance, you need not wait until the closest deadline to request FRF support. 

If in doubt about whether your activity meets the guidelines for funding, please contact the Vice Provost for Research (科琳.lengfeld@ydspd.com) or the Chair of the 教师参议院 Academic Planning Committee (珍妮花.campbell@ydspd.com).  


Evaluation of proposals will be based on the following: 

  • Clear conceptual development of the research issue 
  • Clear rationale for the project 和 a discussion of why it is important 
  • 预算的适当性——每项资助的费用都必须有资格得到支持,并有明确的理由 
  • 建议的工作对教师专业发展的重要性 
  • Potential for enhancing the reputation of the faculty member, 学术单位, 和 the 正规赌博十大平台排行 as seen in the likelihood of eventual publication, 展览, 或性能 
  • 在时间和预算范围内成功完成项目的可能性 
  • 合格标准 

格式说明 & 提交提案

请将您的提案以单一PDF文件和完整的Excel预算模板电子邮件发送到 FRFSubmissions@ydspd.com. (Include your last name 和 "F23 FRF” in the file title for each). 

对于你的提议, 请使用单行距, 12号字体, 页边距为1英寸, 和 please include the following five sections (numbered 1-5): 

  • 1. 联系信息

    Name, department/unit 和 School, rank/appointment, 和 contact email

  • 2. Title & 摘要

    请提供项目标题加上不超过100字的摘要,以一般观众可以理解的方式描述您的项目. (If you are awarded an FRF grant, your abstract may be posted on DU web pages).

  • 3. 目前的资金情况

    请提供你在过去3年获得的资助或资助的信息, or any grants or funding awards with which you are currently working; specify the name of the award 和/or source of funding 和 the project for which the funding was received. Please note that when comparing two equally excellent proposals, unfunded or under-funded applicants will be prioritized. 

  • 4. 叙述

    注意用APC成员(他们来自许多不同的学科)可以理解的方式写作,并保持1000字的限制, 请提供一个简短的叙述,描述你的项目和你打算如何使用FRF资金. Your narrative will be judged by the following six criteria, 你应在各自的文本框内,并在字数限制内清楚说明:

    • 概念: 描述你研究的目的, 你的方法, 和 how you will use or disseminate the completed work. 请记住,您是写给可能不熟悉特定领域实践和技术术语的非专业同事的, so include definitions or context required to underst和 the project. (最多600字)
    • 理由是: Explain the significance 和 impact of your project. 会产生什么新的知识或创造性的表达,以及它将如何促进你所在领域的持续对话或创新? (200字)
    • 职业发展: 解释这个项目的进展或完成如何支持你的专业发展, including if the project is significant for your reappointment, 促销活动, 或者终身教职后的回顾. (100字)
    • 声誉: Explain how you expect the project will enhance your academic reputation, 你们部门的声誉, 以及大学的声誉. (100字)
    • 完成: 提供项目完成的时间表,并解释获得FRF资金将如何帮助您在该时间表内完成项目. (100字)

    请使用这些副标题,这样APC可以很容易地看出你在哪里满足了这六个标准. 记住, the APC is made up of your colleagues from across campus who may not be knowledgeable about your field; please make sure that your narrative is clear, 简洁的, 和非技术.

  • 5. 预算 & 预算的理由

    用于评估应用程序的第7个标准是预算合理性. Provide a clear list of expenses for which you are requesting funding. 每笔费用, 说明目的, 位置/供应商, 量, 简要介绍一下这次旅行, 材料, 等. contribute to the completion of the project. 请说明你的学术和创意产品的开发是否需要费用.g., research or fabrication) or dissemination (e.g.、出版或展览). 如果一个项目的理由不明确,APC可以从授予的金额中扣除该项目.

    (You no longer need to submit a separate budget template.)


    • If you want the FRF to pay for a research assistant, specify: 如何 much are you paying the person per hour? 根据大学和/或专业领域的薪酬表,这种薪酬率的理由是什么? 你如何确定研究助理完成某项活动需要多少小时? 
    • University pay rates for student labor range from about $19-$26 per hour, 这取决于学生支持的类型以及他们的经验和专业水平. 查看更多指导 工资率和职位分类.
    • If you want the FRF to pay for airfare or other transportation, specify: 如何 did you arrive at the dollar 量 you are seeking? 
    • If you want the FRF to pay for meals, specify: What is the U.S. government's per diem for meals for the city in which you will be staying? 
    • If you want the FRF to pay for lodging, specify: What is the U.S. government's per diem for lodging for the city in which you will be staying? 
    • 如果你想让FRF支付一个预算项目,可能在表面上看起来对一些APC成员来说是没有资格获得FRF资助的- e.g., 教师的工资, 课程发布, 学生项目, 参加会议, 课程开发, 或日常办公费用-说明:为什么APC认为该项目是合格的? 例如,为什么APC要将该项目视为日常办公费用以外的东西? 


一份简短(一页)的书面报告必须以电子方式提交给高级教务长办公室(科琳.lengsfeld@ydspd.com) as soon as possible after the close of the project period, 和 no later than six months after the funds from the grant have been spent. 报告应该将项目的结果或进展与提案中的内容进行比较, 在申请人有资格获得正规赌博十大平台排行学教师研究基金的未来资助之前,必须提交此申请. 
