
  • 约翰·苏厄德

    John is the Regulatory Compliance Officer 和 EMS Program Manager at the 正规赌博十大平台排行. 他监督合规, 政策, 出口管制和研究安全, while supervising the emergency medical services program. He served as DUs Assistant COVID Response Coordinator during the COVID-19 P和emic, where he spent his days in disease surveillance 和 testing. John is the Vice Chair for Advocacy at the 紧急医疗服务 Association of Colorado where he has been key to the passage of legislation relating to secure behavioral health transport, 紧急心理健康室, 地面救护车牌照, EMS system improvement 和 the establishment of the country's first office of cardiac arrest management. John is a seasoned EMS provider 和 serves on the Colorado EMS教育 Task Force working to improve EMS education statewide.    

  • 克莱尔剃须刀

    Claire is the Chair of 紧急医疗服务 at the 正规赌博十大平台排行 (DU) 和 leads the incredibly dedicated team of 校园 EMTs on a mission to foster a community of care. She is an EMT pursuing a Master of Social Work degree from DUs Graduate School of Social Work. 在她本科学习期间, she researched the determinates 和 consequences of perception as it applies to pain care 和 mental illness stigma with an emphasis on implications for social inequality 和 discrimination. Claire also works with Denver’s Support Team Aided Response (STAR) program where she works alongside a mental health clinician to provide emergency behavioral health crisis response. She specializes in crisis 和 medical social work within the intersection of emergency medicine 和 mental health.  

  • Jamilee只是

    Jamilee is the Vice Chair for Clinical Services where she leads field training 和 quality management functions. She is an EMT from Southern Colorado, worked for a rural ambulance service 和 is an undergraduate student studying biology. Jamilee looks forward to attending medical school 和 practicing emergency medicine.

  • 抵达洛特

    Ryker is the Vice Chair for Operations for where he oversees the inter workings 和 operations of the program. This includes scheduling, equipment, billing 和 record keeping. He is an EMT 和 undergraduate studying engineering, specifically as it relates to medicine.    

  • v阮

    Vy is the Vice Chair for 社区卫生 where she works to foster our community of care by leading DU EMS's external engagement services including developing 和 teaching courses on CPR 和 AED use, opioid overdose prevention 和 response, 减少危害和健康生活. Vy is an EMT 和 undergraduate student pursing a degree in biological sciences. 

  • 劳拉·拉帕波特,医学博士,公共卫生硕士

    Dr. 拉帕波特是我们的医疗总监, she is board certified in emergency medicine 和 emergency medical services. She serves as Associate Medical Director for the Denver Health Paramedic Division 和 as an Associate Professor in the 部门 Emergency Medicine at the Denver Health Medical Center. Dr. Rappaport is known nationally for her work in pediatric emergency medicine 和 has served on the Colorado State Emergency Medical 和 Trauma Services Advisory Council.  

  • 莫莉·奎普,医学博士
    Dr. 妙语头像

    Dr. 妙语 is our Associate Medical Director 和 is an emergency medicine physician at the Denver Health Medical Center. 

  • 迈克尔·德雷森,医学博士
    Dr. Deureson头像

    Dr. Deureson is our Associate Medical Director 和 is an emergency medicine physician at the Denver Health Medical Center. He is a paramedic 和 completed his residency in emergency medicine at the Denver Health Medical Center.

  • 南希·洛伦佐博士

    Dr. Lorenzon is our 教师 Director where she supervises our education 和 training 项目. She is a Teaching Professor in the 部门 Biological Sciences 和 is devoted to advancing the educational experiences 和 opportunities for both undergraduate 和 graduate students, especially in the fields of biomedical sciences, health 和 emergency medical services. She has received a number of awards for teaching 和 outst和ing service.