
黑人历史月 is a dedicated time to recognize the contributions of Black 人s to the world. But it is also a time to reflect on the historical 和 contemporary injustices perpetrated against an entire race 和 imagine a world that should be different. Black 和 African American communities continue to struggle in the grips of unjust criminal justice 和 education systems that continue to diminish the lives 和 opportunities of their 人. These are systems that require re-imagining 和 re-building, 和 we all share in that work. 

作为一个致力于为公众利益服务的机构, 杜里大学认识到我们通往卓越科学的道路, 艺术, 业务, 政府, 人类服务也依赖于此, 并将继续依赖, 黑人和非裔美国人的贡献. 

The national theme for 黑人历史月 theme for 2024 is "African Americans 和 the Arts in the past present AND FUTURE." 

"African American art is infused with African, Caribbean, 和 the Black American lived experiences. 在视觉和表演艺术领域, 文学, 时尚, 民间传说, 语言, 电影, 音乐, 体系结构, culinary 和 other forms of cultural expression the African American influence has been paramount. African American artists have used art to preserve history 和 community memory as well as for empowerment. 艺术和文化运动,如新黑人运动, 黑色的艺术, 黑色Reniassance, 嘻哈, 和Afrofuturism, have been led by 人 of African descent 和 set the st和ard for popular trends around the world. In 2024, we examine the varied history 和 life of African American 艺术 和 artisans."

2024年黑人历史月- BCI赞助计划

  • 《正规赌博十大平台排行》的放映和与艾德·德怀特的对话

    2月. 1日6点


    《正规赌博十大平台排行》揭开了第一批黑人飞行员鲜为人知的故事, 成为宇航员的工程师和科学家. This documentary weaves together the stories of Black astronauts seeking to break the bonds of social injustice to reach for the stars, 包括吉安·布鲁福德, 查尔斯·博尔登,杜克大学和加州大学洛杉矶分校的校友埃德·德怀特. 

    从1963年开始, when the assassination of JFK thwarted Captain Ed Dwight's quest to reach the moon, to 2020, when the echoes of the civil unrest sparked by the killing of George Floyd reached the International Space Station, the story of African Americans at NASA is a tale of world events colliding with the aspirations of uncommon men. 


  • 社区艺术创作工作坊

    2月. 第二次,下午5:00 - 7:00

    地点:Community Commons 1001 

    This sign-up is for the 社区艺术创作工作坊 with local artist ZoidHam on 2月ruary 2, 2024, 从下午5点到7点,在Community Commons 1001. This workshop will explore how to Black bodies exist, take up space, are policed, 和 cultivate joy. During this two-hour block of time you will develop your own narrative 和 then create a piece that reflects your newly articulated narrative. 本次活动向 所有有艺术经验的人开放.  
    任何问题? 电子邮件 du.bci@edu 


  • 面具后面是什么?:黑人的众多

    2月. 5日,旧

    地点:Community Commons 1001 

    在我们的艺术画廊展览中,走进面具背后的变革性一瞥, “面具后面是什么??:《正规赌博十大平台排行》,黑人身份占据了中心舞台.“这次展览探讨了黑人身份探索的深刻主题, 占用空间, 以及双重意识的概念. 由DU black识别的社区成员制作, these cultivated art pieces are the outcomes of guided discussions about how we construct ourselves in racialized spaces. 每件作品都反映了独特的视角, 斗争, 并在黑人社区取得成功, 邀请观众参与一场超越画布的对话. 捕捉弹性,体现双重意识的复杂性, this exhibit is a celebration of diversity 和 an exploration of the multifaceted nature of Black identity. 和我们一起促进理解, 同理心, 和 appreciation for the rich tapestry of experiences that shape the narratives of Black lives. 

  • 黑人社区晚宴与文化中心合作

    2月. 8日下午六点

    地点:Saucey 's Southern Cuisine | 2100 S University Blvd, Denver, CO 80210 

    Join us for our first Black Community Dinner at Saucey’s Southern Cuisine during 黑人历史月. 从下午6点到7点30分,用美味的南方风味庆祝文化和联系. 进行有意义的对话, 品尝充满灵魂的菜肴, 拥抱定义我们社区的团结. 等待你的是一个温暖、欢笑和团聚的夜晚! This event is designed to support the Black community at DU 和 is open to students, 工作人员, 和老师.  

  • 黑色爱情日

    2月. 14日上午11时至下午1时

    地点:Community Commons 1700 

    加入我们的BCI团队,一起庆祝我们的爱, 人, 以及来自散居非洲各地的文化. We will have our "Black Love" Photo Booth, quick activities, 和 some sweet treats! 欢迎来到我们的Common Commons 1700,与我们一起学习和庆祝! 

  • 与音乐系合作举办情人节音乐会

    2月. 14日下午六点


    Join the LWE on Valentine’s 一天 for a romantic program that features guest artists Igor Pikayzen, 塔蒂亚娜·梅菲尔德·布朗, 和Cleo Parker Robinson Dance! 皮凯岑是科里利亚诺的《正规赌博十大平台排行》协奏曲的独奏家, 梅菲尔德·布朗演唱了一组格什温的情歌. Dancers from Cleo Parker Robinson perform to Bernstein’s Three Dance Episodes from “On the Town.”

    欲了解更多信息,请访问 纽曼中心的网站 

  • 庆祝黑色艺术禧年

    2月. 15日晚上六点半

    地点:Burwell 340

    Step into a celebration of 黑人历史月 hosted by BSA, ASU, 和 the Cultural Center! Get ready for a fantastic event showcasing the incredible talent of local black artists. 和我们一起度过一个充满美丽艺术的夜晚, 良好氛围, 也有机会见到并支持这些了不起的创意人员. 不要错过这个充满活力的聚会,尽早报名! 


  • BCI学术展 & 告诉

    2月. 20日下午4点至5点半

    地点:Burwell 340 

    “BCI学术 展” & 告诉" is a platform that shines a spotlight on the outst和ing contributions made by Black faculty 和 工作人员 members at the 正规赌博十大平台排行. This event offers a space for these exceptional Black scholars to present their multifaceted research, 学术活动, 创意作品, 通过简洁的5分钟迷你演示完成. 在这些精彩的演讲之后, we extend a warm invitation to attendees to mingle 和 engage in informal discussions.  

    Our aspiration is that activities of this nature will bring us a step closer to gaining insights into the innovative work within our respective fields 和 create opportunities for the exchange of ideas. 点心 和 各种饮料, 酒精 和 不含酒精的, 将提供给我们的与会者 和 主持人享受. 

  • Harm in the Hush Harbor: Exploring the Impact of Spiritual Trauma in the Black Church on Black Millennials 和 Generation Z

    2月. 21日上午10:00 - 11:30

    地点:Burwell 120 

    Join us in witnessing the doctoral dissertation defense of one of our community members, Indhira Udofia, 批判种族与民族研究客座助教教授.  



For more information on 黑人社区倡议 (BCI) at the 正规赌博十大平台排行




请通过此表格提交您的2024年黑人历史月计划. Any program submitted will be added to our 2024 BHM Heritage Month webpage 和 included in our community communications. There is no deadline to submit your program but please allow us 48 hours to update the website for all submissions after 2月ruary 1, 2024.

请将任何程序更改发送给约翰·米勒四世, DEI副主任, 黑人社区倡议 约翰.robinson-miller@ydspd.com.


因为我们正在与各部门合作,制定最具影响力的计划, please check out the questions below that can help guide our contributions to the conversation. If you would like to meet with BCI 工作人员 to discuss your program (logistics, topics, feedback, etc.)请用这个和我们安排一个会议 预订链接.

  1. 这个节目与黑人历史月有什么特别的关系?
  2. 这个为黑人设计的程序是如何识别folx的? 它与黑人教职员工或学生的具体关系如何? 
  3. 这个程序是如何在folx内的 非洲散居侨民? What would you like 人 outside of the African diaspora to take away from this program 和 how are you curating those outcomes?
  4. 您希望BCI员工提供什么样的合作/反馈?