
The 疾病控制中心 和 预防 (CDC) have recently updated their 呼吸道病毒指南 for common respiratory viral illnesses, including COVID-19, flu, 和 RSV.  具体地说, a 5 day isolation period is no longer recommended for COVID-19 infection but rather stay home 和 away from others while sick 和 you can return to school or work when at least 24 hours have passed 和 both of the following are true:

  • 你的症状总体上在好转 
  • You have not had a fever (和 are not using fever-reducing medication).

从历史上看, DU has mirrored CDC recommendations for our students, 教师, 和 staff 和 we wanted to share what this will look like going forward.   

  1. DU的呼吸道病毒方法: Starting on March 04, 2024, DU will adopt this new guidance based on the CDC's guidelines. There will no longer be the recommendation for 5 days of isolation for COVID-19 infection 和 as 早在2023年春天, no requirements for testing, quarantine, or contact tracing at DU.
  1. What new evidence has led to this updated 呼吸道病毒指引
  • There are more 和 better tools 和 protection to fight serious respiratory illness.
  • 有效的治疗方法随处可见.
  • 人群对COVID-19的免疫力很高.
  • Far fewer people are getting seriously ill from COVID-19.
  1. 进一步的建议: Many options still exist to prevent infections 和 DU encourages everyone to be aware of 和 utilize these strategies.


  • Stay current on flu 和 COVID-19 vaccinations, available at local pharmacies.  The HCC has free flu shots available for all students.
  • It is recommended adults aged 65 和 older get a second annual COVID-19 shot this spring (2024).
  • Adults ages 60 years 和 older should talk to their healthcare provider about whether an RSV vaccine is right for them.


  • Cover your mouth 和 nose with a tissue when you cough 和 sneeze. 把用过的纸巾扔进垃圾桶. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your h和s.
  • Learn 和 use proper h和washing techniques.


  • Bring as much fresh air into your living space as possible by opening doors 和 windows 和/or using exhaust fans.
  • Use a portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) cleaner.
  • Where appropriate, move activities outdoors, where airflow is best.


  • Wearing a mask is an additional prevention strategy that you can choose to further protect yourself 和 others.


  • Avoid being near someone who has respiratory virus symptoms.
  • Avoid crowded areas where you may be unable to maintain physical distance.


  • 快速检查, particularly if you are someone who could benefit from treatment for respiratory viruses.


All of the prevention strategies described in this guidance can be helpful to reduce risk. 它们在以下情况下尤其有用:

  • Respiratory viruses are causing a lot of illness in our community.
  • You or the people around you were recently exposed to a respiratory virus, 生病, 或者正在恢复.
  • You or the people around you have risk factors for severe illness.
  • You may not be aware of the things that can make others more vulnerable to serious illness. Using the core prevention strategies will provide a degree of protection regardless. If you are unsure about the health condition or risk status of those around you, the most protective option is choosing to use additional prevention strategies, 像屏蔽, 物理距离, 和测试.

教职员工 should contact your health providers for information 和 support for self 和 families 和 follow applicable procedures for absence from work due to illness.

学生 can receive care at HCC, including low cost COVID 和 Flu testing options.

Medical Coverage for International Travelers (New)

For international travelers, we launched a new 和 comprehensive 医疗保险计划 that covers most urgent 和 emergent medical issues for DU students, 教师 和 staff traveling internationally for DU business 和/or academic-related 项目. This will improve our travel record-keeping through an enhanced partnership with 国际SOS allowing DU to respond to emergencies 和 COVID-19 cases more efficiently.


Therese Mashak

