

You can add courses to your schedule through the first seven days of each quarter. 然后,你必须填写一张表格 添加/删除表单 和 get approval from the instructor for each course you wish to add. If you're an undergraduate student, you may also need approval from your adviser. Completed forms should be returned to the 民政事务总署 注册商 in University Hall.

在申请批准添加一个类之前, check to ensure you've satisfied all prerequisites 和 have no registration restrictions. Review your existing credits 和 course load — if by adding the course you'd be enrolled in more than 18 credits, 您还必须获得过载批准.

你不能, 在任何情况下, add a course after the eighth week of the quarter (the last 10 business days).


  • Official Drop/撤军 Periods for Quarterly 课程s

    课程s dropped through the first five business days of a quarter (summer session excluded) are deleted from your record. 如适用,学费将获退还.

    课程s dropped after the first week of the quarter will be recorded as withdrawals with a grade notation of "W." This means you have not earned the course's credit hours, nor will it factor into your GPA.

    You may withdraw from a course without instructor approval through the sixth week of each quarter. However, if you are failing, the instructor may deny your withdrawal request. Instructor approval is required to withdraw from courses after the sixth week of the quarter.

    你不能 withdraw from a course during the two weeks, 或者10个工作日, 在期末考试之前.

    Five-week courses 和 workshops, as well as interterm, summer session 和 semester courses (斯特姆法学院) 可能有不同的截止日期.

    查看其他重要信息 注册及结算日期.

  • 被取消课程的行政撤销

    If a course is canceled, we'll delete it from your record 和 refund tuition charges, if appropriate. The department, college or school responsible for canceling the course will notify you of the change.

  • M和ated 撤军 Resulting from Non-Attendance

    Instructors determine the attendance policies for their own classes. If you fail to attend the first week of classes (or equivalent number of business days) 和 haven't confirmed the absences with your instructor in advance, 你可能会被要求放弃这门课.

    If your instructor m和ates that you drop the course, you must officially withdraw via the 民政事务总署 注册商. If you choose not to withdraw after being asked to do so, you'll earn a failing grade. If you've been asked to leave a class due to non-attendance, you must pay all course tuition 和 fees accumulated at the time of your withdrawal, or, 如果你不能取款呢, 整个课程的费用.

  • 学术欺骗

    如果你被怀疑 学术欺骗, 你可能会被禁止放弃一门课程, or have a course from which you've already withdrawn reinstated. The 民政事务总署 注册商 is not required to notify you of reinstatement.

    If, 听了你的案子之后, the Office of Student Conduct rules that you've been academically dishonest, your instructor may assign you a failing grade for the course in question, even if you officially withdrew 和 were previously assigned a "W" notation.

    If the Office of Student Conduct acquits you of 学术欺骗, 和 you had previously attempted to officially drop the course during the automatic withdrawal period, we'll process your request 和 assign a "W" to your record.

  • 例外批准

    Undergraduate students who need to withdraw from classes after the deadline due to extenuating circumstances may file a 申请学术政策例外.

    Graduate students in these circumstances must appeal through the 研究生教育办公室 通过提交 学业例外申请. Check with your program, school or college for additional procedures regarding late withdrawals.

  • 学生的责任

    除了行政撤销, if you stop attending a course without officially dropping it through the 民政事务总署 注册商, you will remain enrolled 和 receive a failing grade. 课程s dropped after the sixth week of the quarter require instructor approval via a signed 添加/删除表单 完成提款流程. We won't process withdrawal requests without the required approvals, 结果就是, you'll remain enrolled in the course 和 receive a failing grade. It is your responsibility to ensure all drops 和 withdrawals are fully approved 和 processed.

    Approvals to drop courses are academic decisions 和 do not necessarily entitle you to any tuition or fee reimbursement for the dropped course. 看到 学费退款上诉 处理财务申诉信息.