Unofficial 撤军

In some circumstances, the University will withdraw a student even though the official withdraw process has not been initiated. This is known as an unofficial withdrawal, 和 it may result in the student bearing significant financial liability.

Causes of Unofficial 撤军

  • Non-attendance: You enroll in classes but don't attend, or stop attending without officially withdrawing. This may result in failing grades, outst和ing tuition charges 和 loss of financial aid.
  • Inactive status: You don't enroll for one or more terms 和 lose automatic registration eligibility.
  • Term failure: You earn failing grades for all courses within a term. This may impact current 和 future financial aid awards.


Student Financial Liability

Students are responsible for underst和ing 和 abiding by the University's payment 和 refund policies. By completing registration, you agree to pay the total amount of tuition 和 other charges set forth, regardless of whether you attend classes. It is your responsibility to officially drop any courses you do not plan to attend or complete. 联系 Office of Financial Aid for information about financial aid withdrawal processes.