Faculty & Staff Groups & Resources

Connecting Across Campus

The University of Denver supports many groups representing the diversity of our institution. From student organizations, 给教职员工协会, 杜希望培育和支持各种亲和团体.

Affinity Groups    Employee Resources

Affinity Groups

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高等教育姐妹协会(ASHE)支持, empowers, 并通过文化奖学金指导正规赌博十大平台排行的黑人女性, enrichment, and an exchange of ideas. The group is not exclusive to black women; therefore we value and welcome all women faculty and staff at the University of Denver. However, 小组讨论的核心焦点, activities, 这些倡议将是与黑人女性密切相关的问题.

Co-Chairs: Yasmaine Ford, Yasmaine.Ford@ydspd.com and Natley Farris, Natley.Farris@ydspd.com

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The mission of Black@DU is to provide an atmosphere of cultural and social networking among Black staff and faculty at the University of Denver. This organization is dedicated to improving the quality of the Black experience at DU by fostering a campus climate that is inviting, unified, encouraging, and promotes upward mobility. Black@DU的存在是为了加强沟通和支持多样性, inclusion, 机会和社会正义,同时挑战大学内的种族主义.

Chair: Effley Brooks, Effley.Brooks@ydspd.com

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Faculty of Color Association

The DU Faculty of Color Association (FOCA) is a voluntary empowerment and advocacy group composed of faculty members from under-represented racial and ethnic groups within the University community. Meetings are held monthly on alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays - send an email to inclusion@ydspd.com 将被加入中非合作论坛小组.

Chair: Duan Zhang

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The FWA extends membership to all faculty, tenured, tenure-track, non-tenure track and adjunct. Objectives include, 为校园社区的所有女教师提供支持网络, 赞助与专业发展有关的项目, disseminating information about University practices and policies vital to faculty women's interests. Contact inclusion@ydspd.com for more information.

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Hermanas Latinas

Hermanas Latinas provides a space for faculty and graduate students who identify as Latina at the University of Denver.

Liaisons: Deb Ortega, Debora.Ortega@ydspd.com and Maria Salazar, Maria.Salazar@ydspd.com


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QFA supports LGBTQ and questioning-identified faculty on campus through advocacy, scholarship, and social networking. QFA works to connect queer faculty across the university and ensure that DU is an affirming space for all queer students, staff, and faculty.  

联合主席:Frederique Chevillot; Frederique.Chevillot@ydspd.com and Inna Altschul, Inna.Altschul@ydspd.com

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An organization for all Queer and LGBTIQA-identifying DU employees who promote a welcoming and affirming university community.

Co-Chairs: Gabe Fischer Gabriel.E.Fischer@ydspd.com & Elise Goss-Alexander Elise.Goss-Alexander@ydspd.com

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Sistah Network

Sistah Network is committed to helping Black women who are graduate students at the University of Denver contend with the pervasive challenges they face related to graduate student socialization and academic persistence. 社区发展的例子包括每季度举行两次会议, quarterly writing workshops, 教员和资源联系, and defense practices.

联络人:Anthea Johnson Rooen, Anthea.Johnson@ydspd.com

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The 有色人种协会职员 is committed to promoting the interests of and advocating for staff at University of Denver from historically unrepresented races and ethnicities. We honor and celebrate the diversity of our cultures and actively contribute to the University by 1) p为成员提供一个支持性的社区和勇敢的空间为所有相交的经历寻找归属感,3)s了解校园气候,4)providing support for the recruitment of diverse candidates throughout the University, and 5) e在有色人种的教职员工、学生和教师之间建立有意义的联系.

Co-Chairs: Katia Miller, Katia.Miller@ydspd.com and Waltrina DeFrantz-Dufor, Waltrina.DeFrantz@ydspd.com

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Women's Coalition

The DU Women’s Coalition creates and fosters a University of Denver culture that values and empowers all women; it is the umbrella organization to which all six University of Denver women's groups belong.

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妇女领导委员会包括在院长委员会任职的妇女, in the Provost’s Office, 并在正规赌博十大平台排行担任管理职务. This group seeks to use its unique influence to engage the campus and its leadership on strategic issues relating to women; advocate for women’s opportunities and issues across campus; and build relationships on and off campus to foster mentorship and professional development for women at the University of Denver.

For more information, 联系WLC联合主席:Kathy Aliaga, 财务与运营学院助理院长 Katherine.Aliaga@ydspd.com 或谢丽尔·米勒,副院长兼首席运营官 Cheryl.Miller@ydspd.com 或商业与运营学院副院长塔米•施耐德(Tammy Schneider) Tammy.Schneider@ydspd.com.


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The Women's Staff Alliance for Networking and Development (WAND) is committed to helping staff women at the University of Denver achieve their highest potential as employees by means of advocacy, education, development, networking and leadership.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 inclusion@ydspd.com

Employee Resources

预防倡导中心 & Empowerment (CAPE)

CAPE (the 预防倡导中心, 和赋权)在健康和咨询中心, offers free and confidential survivor advocacy supports to all employees and students at the university for anyone who has experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, and/or harassment. 这些服务包括帮助浏览法律和大学报告系统, 获得医疗保健和咨询转诊, or simply being a safer, 一个可以谈论已经发生的事情的秘密场所. 


cape@ydspd.com or call 303-871-3853

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DEI司致力于提供领导, guidance, and resources in support of the University of Denver’s commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive institution.

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The University of Denver is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to its employees and applicants for employment in order to assure that individuals with disabilities enjoy full access to equal employment opportunity at the University.

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Human Resources & Inclusive Communities (HRIC)

HRIC works to ensure that employees are given a safe and inclusive environment to work. 

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拉丁中心推进关键的跨学科研究, scholarly and creative work, 与课程发展相关的历史, political, cultural, 和拉丁人的知识遗产. 

Director: Deb Ortega, inclusion@ydspd.com

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Provides support for current students and engages in community relations through developing relationships with local, 地区和国家土著社区.

Associate Director DEI | 美国原住民和原住民倡议: Stevie Lee, Stevie.Lee@ydspd.com

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The University works with multiple religious and spiritual leaders to provide support to all members of the DU community on issues ranging from interfaith dialogue to spiritual care and counseling.

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Staff Senate

SAC促进与工作人员和大学社区成员的合作, 包括校长和教务长的办公室, University leadership and faculty members from many units on campus; lobbies to get policies and procedures implemented that directly affect all staff members' morale, interests, 工作条件和专业发展.

Contact: staffsenate@ydspd.com 

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Veterans Services

Guided by the knowledge that veterans offer a unique academic and social quality to the University of Denver, the Veterans Services Office vision and mission is to support our veterans through exceptional programming.

Director: Damon Vine, Damon.Vine@ydspd.com

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WORC is an informal campus network that holds space for DU community members to support racial justice and the responsibility white people have in building a more just and fair community in solidarity with people of color. (Any discussion of identity is intersectional; however, 这个小组的重点是讨论种族认同.)

共同主持人:Trisha Teig和Chase McNamee worc@ydspd.com

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