Sexual Assault & Gender Violence

Support 和 Resources

的 University of Denver is committed to creating an environment free of sexual assault 和 gender-based violence. Find out more about how we are working to accomplish that goal.

的 University supports all survivors 和 encourages you to report an incident of sexual assault or gender-based violence.

Report an Incident

A Safe 和 Supportive 环境


Need help right now? Find 24/7 resources for survivors of sexual assault 和 other forms of gender-based violence.

Explore Crisis Resources

Incident Reporting

Learn about all of your reporting options 和 levels of confidentiality.


Find Services

Learn about resources for survivors, including counseling, support, medical providers 和 more.


Access Confidential Support

Feeling Overwhelmed? You don't have to do this alone.
的 Center for Advocacy, 预防 & Empowerment (CAPE) supports survivor healing by providing advocacy 和 support for survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking 和 sexual harassment. All services are confidential 和 free of charge.

Daytime advocacy: 303-871-3853
24/7 Counselor on Call: 303-871-2205

background image of statue garden at DU campus

Get Involved

Learn how you can make a difference 和 play your part in ending sexual assault 和 gender violence.


I feel even more strongly that we must unite across campus in our commitment against such terrible acts. I have asked the entire senior leadership team 和 every division on our campus to actively work toward creating a culture where every student, faculty 和 staff member feels, ,是, safe from harm. 在一起, it is imperative that we create a climate where these acts are universally regarded as abhorrent 和 wholly unacceptable. Chancellor Jeremy Haefner